Budget Eye


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Budget Eye is a Budget Management and Expense tracking app that is designed to help you efficiently and effortlessly manage your own as well as your family’s finances all in one easy view. Budget Eye is designed with a set of interlinked features to help you manage, track and control your budget, expenses and income which are all updated in Real-time. Key Budget Eye Features:
• Reports feature allows you to track everything from you income, expenses, paid, unpaid as well as upcoming expenses.
• Print out your reports with the touch of a button.
• Chart and info graphics give you a glance at your spending habits.
• You will receive Real time updates as income and Expense entry are logged,
• You can snap instant photos of receipt or incoming bills for hassle free efficient logging and tracking which you can refer back to anytime on the Receipt Screen
• Notifications features sends notifications to your phones notification bar ensuring you dont miss a single payment
• Recurring income and/or expenses can be entered in and will automatically re-generate on the due date and show up in your calendar.
• Calendar alerts will notify you of Paid, Unpaid and Upcoming entries as well as income and expenses,
• Home Screen- The Home Screen gives you quick and easy access to key features such as:ActivityBudgetRecurringCalendar
• Budget-You have the freedom/option to set One Budget or set Budgets by Categories..
• The Reports feature provides you with a complete statement of your entries in Budget Eye regardless of the method of payment as well as snaps of your receipt.
• various different detailed reports that will show you your Budget vs. Income and Expenses, Fixed and Variable costs, as well as a detailed report that breaks down your spending right down to the categories and sub-categories giving you a clear picture so that you can monitor spending habits. All the reports that are generated are printable. In Addition you will also be able to Export; Archive as well as set Auto-Backup’s that ensures you always have a copy of your finances.
With Budget Eye you can easily navigate through your finances and gain the control, yet have the flexibility and privacy you desire.